Saturday 8 December 2012

Let'$ Make a Deal.

This is not exactly yet about BC politics, but bear with me a moment.
The Federal Conservatives just allowed the sellout to CNOOC, the Chinese communist state owned oil company, of NEXEN, the Alberta energy company. Nexen is one of Canada’s top 10 energy corporations in the Alberta oilsands. The sale was never really about rejecting or approving the $15 billion dollar deal. It was done long ago.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper even had his picture taken with Canada flags and a sign that said, 'A Strong Canada'. Sure. Reminds me of a newscast bit I saw showing a street corner drug dealer being cuffed while wearing a jacket with the stitching,'Just say no to drugs'. He was caught selling meth. Same contorted message designed as disinformation. 

So what do all these red-neck Albertans who are now gleefully shaking hands while counting their cut of the deal have to do with BC? Ask what the future holds? The Chinese think 30 years down the road. Canadians think 30 days.
Right now we have BC lumber going to China. Most of the BC forestry is foreign owned already. But as you know, our BC lumber mills keep burning down. Raw logs have been sent to US mills for years after American companies bought our industry and closed most Canadian mills to keep Washington State mills operating. At the cost of Canadian jobs. So what happens when the Chinese start thinking they can mill their own lumber, and just want us to send the logs? 

Their thinking will be to simply BUY our forests, send in their own people to cut down the trees and their own ships to transport them to China. Like they are doing with mining right now! Do they have the technology and capacity to do that? Probably do, and if they don't right now they'll simply have Canadian engineering companies design it all for them and then tell us to take a hike. Meanwhile passing around yuan to whomever in order to get the deal done. Maybe even rip us off there too as the currency is only worth 15 cents. 

That's where BC comes into it. 

Some people would suggest that virtually ALL international deals like this get done by making sure the players who are in charge of what is wanted, and are able to make the decisions necessary, get a serious dose of cash, deposited into a stealth bank account somewhere. Silly ideas? Maybe not, the court case of Karlheinz Schreiber and Brian Mulroney proved a lot of that. 

BC already has a track record of selling out our resources via the Liberal governments. 
Run of the River Power projects, heralded at the time by Gordon Campbell and now hurting our BC Hydro. BC Rail, our own railroad intended to open up our vast interior and service the people of the province, is now only used for the profit of CN. BC Ferries sending huge building contracts to Germany instead of BC shipyards. Foreign owned fish farms operating at the detriment of the worlds largest wild salmon run, virtually killing off nature's bounty for the profit of a few. 
You have to ask why would the ones in power make these deals against the people if private gain wasn't the goal? 

So when the Chinese come with cash in their wallets, anxious to pass it around to anyone who can make the deal they want, don't expect the government to have ethics or the good of the people of the province in mind when their pockets are open and available. Shareholders' instant dividends trump the future of the industry and the ownership of the resource. 

And even some Conservative MPs are saying the Chinese cannot be trusted to honor any deal they sign, quoting past records. 

Now here is the final slap in the face that your Prime Minister gave you, Harper would not tell you any part of the deal. Not what the Chinese communists get, and worse, not what Canada gets! He said it would be up to the Chinese to reveal any part of the deal! It is all secret!

Do you have any thoughts that the Enbridge tar sands oil pipeline to Kitimat won't be approved? Neither do I.
Know what a 'done deal' is? So do I. 
Do you feel like we are only a third world country? So do I.

And I hope that not a single BC Conservative gets elected. Alberta can sell out, but British Columbia doesn't need to.
We need responsible government in Canada. Not secrecy. 

The only power you have left is your vote. 

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Keep it civil, folks, I know you're angry but try not to swear too much.