Tuesday 23 April 2013

Election fun in BC

It's not my fault they get their pictures taken ....

Elect Christy Clark

That's just peanut butter from somebody else's lunch.

Elect Adrian Dix

I am NOT a space alien, really ...... really.

Elect Christy Clark

Brave smile while credibility goes up in flames.

Elect Adrian Dix

Magician? Toss up an orange, comes down an apple?

Elect Christy Clark

 I am so freakin' hot I cause sparks!

 Elect Adrian Dix

 I suspect a Gordon Campbell set-up here?

Elect Jane Sterk

Does a Premier get free hairstyling?

Elect John Cummins 

As the boss I'll get pictures in my office though, right?

and if you're all not careful ....

Elect Bill Vander Zalm 

I'll come after you, I'm still Fa-antastic you know!


Keep it civil, folks, I know you're angry but try not to swear too much.